Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Yearning for more?

As most of you know, most authors write about what they know.  A.L. Sanderson, aka Sandy knows her sticky buns!  
Sandy's mother, my grandmother Frieda Sanderson used to make what we simply called "cinnamon rolls".  Yeasty, buttery, sugary and a little gooey.  Yum.  They were the highlight of any of our family food gatherings for decades.

As time went by the "family recipe" evolved into a more caramelly confection now dubbed "sticky buns".  So with that family history established you won't be surprised to read about Martha, a character from "The Last Dance" making them on the farm to thank her new neighbors the Nilsson's.

A Yummy Sticky Bun
On Saturday we'll be making a 'large party' version of our sticky buns for YOU, our fans to thank you for your support!  In case you need a visual incentive, here's one we made recently.  

But in case you can't come to our launch, do the next best thing and read "The Last Dance" and both the sticky buns and the story will have you yearning for more!

You can now purchase "The Last Dance" at our website:

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