Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Last Dance, the Last Launch?

Sandy says she might have another book in her but maybe not another launch!  Well that might be a little extreme, what do you think?  

I do have another launch in me.  I'm already in denial about how much work it is.  Kind of like having a baby; you have one and swear you will never do it again.  But then…the baby is so precious!  Ok, so we reserve the right to change our minds.  

We did have fun!  Seeing family, fans and friends is so great.  But more importantly have I mentioned my dress?  Here's a photo, looks like it was made for me right?  Guess what?  It was.  Sandy made this vintage dress from a pattern I bought so we could reflect some of the time period The Last Dance covers.  

Sandy also made another dress.  Kira wore this period style plaid jumper complete with a Peter Pan collar--so darling.   She was one of the greeters at the door of the launch venue welcoming our guests to the 'Pine Crescent  Lodge'.  We're all about setting the mood and the tone of the launch.  Lucas didn't have his outfit custom made for him but he was a little trooper wearing an 'olden days' (as he called it) outfit. 

More important than our clothing is that Sandy got to mingle and thank people for coming on such a frigid day, sign some books, talk about her new book The Last Dance with 
folks and enjoy her day in the sun!  

About the nitty gritty details of the event-- Sandy was fortunate to have 2 great friends help, one from high school.   We want to thank them publically for helping.  Kay, the high school friend helped in the kitchen again.  She is so organized and efficient.  Another good friend Carol also helped for this and the Timber launch in so many ways.  This time though she was recovering from shoulder sugery and still came to support Sandy.  Now that's a friend!  Here are our dear friends Kay and Carol at work:

Carol managing book sales
Kay managing the kitchen AND Lucas!  That's huge.

                                           Here's Sandy and her family and friends:

Sandy with friends and neighbors, Joyce, Debbie and Stew.  First guy on the left is my husband, adored son in law
Saint Charlie.  Seriously Charlie makes it all happen!

Sandy and brother Ron Sanderson

Ooh I almost forgot our young helpers Greta and Soren.  I have a picture of Greta with Kira but no brother Soren!  He is awesome too, what a great young man.
Great helpers Greta and Kira.

Lucas asked me to dance toward the end of the night.  Which seems normal since there was a dance floor.  Except for a few facts.  He's five.  He doesn't really dance.  No one else was dancing!   But I was honored to dance with my grandson and kind of stunned when Lucas yelled "grandma dip me!"

"The Dip"

                                   And finally…the last dance with Lucas and grandma Susan.


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