Monday, February 11, 2013

It Takes a Village to Launch a Book!

Many of TIMBER's author A. L. Sanderson's family and fans are aware we're having the official book launch February 17.  We'll be missing those who live out of state or can't make it.  Thank goodness we didn't have the event  scheduled for today as the weather is not ideal for driving.  (That's "Minnesnowta nice" for the roads are slippery and dangerous and if we hardy souls had a brain in our heads we would not venture out.)  We're going to cross our fingers and hope for good weather next Sunday.

We're excited about celebrating the launch of TIMBER, 15 years after it was first written.  I wanted to set the scene evoking a feeling of being back in the 1890's.   Since I own exactly none of the things I want so I've been collecting antique and forest or wood elements from my Village.  My husband Charlie is as always a willing and good sport (although he does think I'm nuts) and does the grunt work and contributes a sane voice of reason.  

My good neighbor and friend Stew, new friend John and brother in law Mark all exceeded my expectations providing items to stage the event.  These guys are amazing!  I gave them my irrationally optimistic wish list and they said "no problem" and proceeded to dig out the obscure items from their packed treasure trove AKA their garages. 

I've attached the cedar wood plank from Mark with the book title burned into it.  John provided the wood burning tool; it definitely takes a knack but was very satisfying to see results.  I felt very crafty using this tool to create a signs with words burned onto it!  When I stage everything next Saturday I will upload a photo of all assembled items so if you try very hard and use a good deal of poetic license you may get a sense of the 1890's.

Some of the great treasures we scored for use on Sunday include actual tools from the late 1800's from all three guys, lovely birch branches and a huge tree stump simulating the forest from John's backyard.  Mark provided some log cuts we made other signs with such as the one directing guests to the outhouse!  Stew added special antique items such as an old whiskey barrel and cross country skis actually from the 1800's.

I'm using the burning tool to etch the title onto the wooden plank

It's been a fun adventure to set the 1890's scene and more fully experience the time period TIMBER takes place in.  My thanks to all who contributed towards having a memorable and successful launch!

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