Wednesday, January 23, 2013

TIMBER; Fire in the Pines is here!

Wow, it's been awhile since I've blogged on this site.  Sorry!  The whole "designing the book cover" process bogged us down!  We actually changed publishers a few times and ended up becoming a publisher ourselves.  There's a story here for another day, but I digress.  Haven Publishing is our company name (watch for big things)!

So, we slogged through the design process this fall of 2012.  Setting and lowering our expectations a bunch of times throughout our searches and final selection of companies.  As it turns out our cover design from exceeded our expectations!  I'm going to post it here for you to get a peek of the book hot off the press.  Please let us know what you think!

We printed the books at a company in Brainerd, MN who has been in business for over 100 years.  Quality is excellent. The books look fabulous!  It's so exciting to see the book become a reality. I get to work to actually make sure the books sell!  Okaaay.  Actually it's an easy book to promote because it's so good and people are loving it already.

My favorite review so far was from a reader who was up late reading,  got caught up in the story, had to get SOME sleep but dying to finish the book so she set her alarm early the next morning to see how it ends before work.  (That's dedication!)  I love a book I can lose myself in too.  She further commented that it was a book in which the characters were developed so well and the plot twists so interesting it was hard to see the story end.  (No worries, Sandy's Book #2 is already well underway and will be related to the TIMBER story.  Can't say more yet, but it's coming soon!)  

For now we hope you'll get a hold of a copy (soft cover or ebook) of TIMBER; Fire in the Pines on our new website:  alsandysanderson.comThere, you get to know a bit about the author A.L. (Sandy) Sanderson; she invites you to step back in time with her to Central Minnesota in 1895.  You can read the prolog of TIMBER on the site and we can also send you a sample chapter for free.  We're dying to hear YOUR reviews so please keep sending those to us.

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