Monday, September 17, 2012

Pioneers then and now!

My husband Charlie and I went to Fraser, Colorado recently with friends.  We visited a fascinating Pioneer museum in a nearby town.  There were lots of items from the late 1800's--the same time period as TIMBER is written.  We read about people who cleared the land and saw the tools they used.  It's amazing to think of what challenges they must have faced!  Just keeping warm!  I shudder to think of it.

I love to read about our ancestors who braved the elements, overcame their obstacles and survived to tell their story.  Many pioneers were immigrants such as the male protagonist, Thor in TIMBER, Fire in the Pines.  He came from Sweden with knowledge of how to clear the land in a more responsible way than he found in Central Minnesota. The novel was researched carefully to include many historical facts such as about lumbering practices.

In addition to his knowledge of the logging industry, he carried his hopes and dreams.  The pioneers were driven to realize their dreams and that drive created fierce determination to keep going.  A quality that I need a lot of everyday!

We're still in the process of creating the cover for TIMBER.  It's been a frustrating process and finally culminated  in a decision to change publishers.  Self publishing and social media are industries evolving constantly and quickly.  There are plenty of times I feel I'm a bit of a pioneer and although it's tough it's an exciting journey!  Stay tuned to hear more about my pioneering journey, hopes and dreams.

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