Saturday, February 22, 2014

Nominated (Twice) for the 26th Annual NEMBA award!

Last May I wrote about being a NEMBA wannabe.  Wow, we recently received a letter from the NEMBA committee informing us that both TIMBER; Fire in the Pines and The Last Dance have both been nominated for an award in the fiction category.  

The awards will be held in Duluth in May.  Keep your fingers crossed for us!  What a thrill it would be to win for either book.  There are 10 other books nominated in the fiction category including some very distinguished authors such as William Kent Krueger.  

NEMBA was established in 1988 to recognize books that substantially represent northeastern Minnesota in the areas of history, culture, heritage, or lifestyle.  Prizes are currently awarded in six categories: (1) General Nonfiction (2) Fiction (3) Art, Photography (4) Children's Literature (5) Poetry, and (6) Memoir and Creative Nonfiction.

You can check out more information here:

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