Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mother and daughter team

My mom A. L. Sanderson (aka Sandy) started writing her book Timber about 15 years ago.  I always wanted her to publish it but like many writers her fears sort of immobilized her and of course--life got in the way.  We have one person in particular to thank for helping providing the impetus to forge ahead with publishing the book.  Her story is coming tomorrow.

So finally we're in the process of publishing the book so it's super exciting!  Hence the name of my first blog indicates a clear delineation of duties.  Just like Tarzan and Jane!  He bellowed "me Tarzan, you Jane!"  (As if she didn't know this!)  My mom's the writer and I'm a reader and her promoter and neither of us will be bellowing.

The whole process of self publishing is a huge deal.  The industry is changing quickly and it's been difficult to know what company to go with.  We chose bookbaby.  I'll let you know how they do.  Hopefully we'll have a finished product within about 4 weeks.

I feel passionate about Timber, it's a great story and her character's are endearing, feisty and interesting.  It's also a book I laugh out loud while reading and that says a lot because although I read a lot of fiction I can't say too many books illicit that response. 

This year I discovered another layer behind the story.  I was researching our family tree and discovered our Swedish ancestors also logged.  Although they were farmers they still had to clear the land using a homemade sawmill.  The farms my family worked were up near Hinckley, MN and the mythical town of Pine Crescent featured in Timber

My mom also shared stories of her life on the farm I hadn't heard before.  Doing the family tree was really interesting and fun but tons of work.  I realized that my mom was one of the last relatives who could tell me the stories behind all these black and white photos.  To actually put a name with a face and learn about their life was very fulfilling.  Having this history is grounding as well not only for me but for my children and grandchildren.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you're amazing! My most heartfelt prayers, thoughts and good ju-ju to you.
