Thursday, November 13, 2014

EP Senior Center Book Club

Sandy is in front wearing seafoam green sweater and scarf

Sandy and I are both over 55 years old.  So we felt very at home at the EP Senior Center book club meeting.  The organizer of the group is super professional and efficient.  She did her best to keep us on track!

This is an intelligent, vibrant group of women who asked excellent questions and were a pleasure to meet.  We love doing book clubs. (please note this is a direct hint!)  

They read TIMBER and I think the consensus was that they appreciated Sandy's research because they learned so much.  Hurray for lifelong learners!!

We were also invited to stay for their annual potluck lunch which was super good as expected from this group.  They do some fun events.  As an example, one month they see a movie after they have read the book.

We felt privledged to meet with the group and hope to be invited back again!  Thank you ladies.  

Silent Aution Fall Book Club

This was a very hectic summer in which both Sandy and I spent our time being "grandma's"!   But now we're gearing up again to talk about our books.  

We donated 10 books to an Eden Prairie organization called Taste of Eden Prairie for their silent auction that raises money for the schools in their area.  In October, the book club that won read TIMBER!

Sandy and I loved meeting with the diverse group of women who asked great questions and if fact sort of stumped Sandy on one question. These are critical readers and we love them for their attention to details.

Mostly it was just a lot of fun that night and all for a great cause! Besides having a beautiful home and being a gracious host, the hostess had the most awesome Halloween decorations I've ever seen outside and around her home.